Nairobi School

Nairobi School is a National Boys Boarding school that offers the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) We facilitate teaching and learning of music through the instrumental program as well as in the classroom. The trust facilitates transport for instrumental tutors (many of whom are alumni and volunteers), facilitates acquisition of instruments and other teaching and learning resources, some through donations, facilitates maintenance of instruments and resources, through service and workshops, creates access, through sponsorship and donations, for talented but underprivileged students, to sit Graded ABRSM examinations, facilitates trips to various events for learners to engage in both academically and aesthetically, such as Nairobi Orchestra Concerts and Young Musicians’ Competition, buys and/or commissions sheet Music for school ensembles and facilitates copies of tutor books and other learning materials for the students. We also aim to purchase thirty wooden stands and metallic chairs for use by the School Band. This will help facilitate practice sessions and contribute to the general development of learners’ skills.

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